Monday, October 22, 2012

Couch redo...

Our couch. Ugh.
I've definately seen worse (who am I kidding) we've owned worse. It's a typical neutral beige sectional, but it wasnt that it was ugly it was just boring and needed a little pick me up. I have had a mild obsession with nailhead and tufted furniture for as long as I can remember and even though I knew we just couldn't spring for a new couch anytime soon, I knew I wasnt giving up on at least updating it to give it a similar feel.
I found a pinterest link for cleaning micro-suede that changed my life....ok, i'm being a bit dramatic but it is seriously awesome if your couch is showing signs of love... milk stained, crumbs galore kinda love that is. The awesome couch remedy post is from I wish I had taken some before pics but I didn't and the afters would only make sense if you could see the disgustingness that was.
On to making it pretty. As I mentioned I LURVE anything nailhead. I was at JoAnn Fabrics when I came across my solution. I always thought nailheads only came in individual form, ya know..nail each one in one at a time...Booooring. BUT THEY DON'T, Yippee!! They come in rolls!
So up went my couch...BE CAREFUL, my husband wasn't to pleased that I had our heavy couch standing on end by myself. It was really so simple, every 5th nailhead was an empty space to mallet a matching nail into. *Use a mallet so that you don't dent the nails!
Here is my before, during and afters! I love it now. Such a simple change but it's clean and doesn't feel so boring anymore!


*Sorry this last pic's quality isn't very good...

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