Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Who's that lady?

You know that feeling of being the "new kid?" Those fears I that I think we all had as a kid at some point or another... Will I be picked last in gym class? Will I be sitting alone at lunch? Am I "cool" enough to fit in? I've been pondering a blog for some time now and everytime I would think I was ready a new batch of silly questions would pop up. Would I have enough material? Would I know how to write it all down in a flattering blogger-like format? One that was "catchy" enough? (People love that cheesy word, don't they?!)...What made these questions so odd for me is that I'm not a shy, AT ALL! I don't stear clear of confrontation and truth be told, I don't exactly mind being in the spotlight. :) As silly as it seems the blogging world can be pretty intimidating...and a serious plumet off of the plank of self-esteem, but I am slowly learning through myself and a little help from my friend Heather over at that this is normal?? Who'da thunk it?! So who knows what will come of it and if this will be the first of 5 or 500 posts....but none the less, today's the day I jump in.

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